Which Dogs Live The Longest

Which Dogs Live The Longest
Which Dogs Live The Longest

When choosing a pet, people are often interested in their age - after all, everyone wants the animal to please its owners as long as possible. The longest-living dogs are small breeds - namely, the funny and adorable Maltese lapdog, which can live up to 18-20 years.

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The nature of the Maltese lapdogs

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This breed has very affectionate, loving, fun and playful character traits. Maltese lapdogs are extremely energetic, active and full of enthusiasm, which makes them ideal for children from 8 years old - these dogs simply adore their owners and always protect them, despite their modest size. With a potential threat from strangers or other animals, Maltese lapdogs are filled with barking and even rush at the intruder with bared teeth.

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These little centenarians will also make great companions for the elderly and people with disabilities.

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In addition, Maltese lapdogs have a lively mind, thanks to which they can easily learn various commands and tricks. However, it depends on the nature of the particular dog - they are often stubborn and a little spoiled. Another advantage of Maltese lapdogs is their friendly attitude towards cats, other dogs and small animals. They are very picky about their food, and also suffer greatly from anxiety if the owner leaves them alone for quite a long time.

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Caring for a lapdog

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In order for the Maltese lapdog to live as long as possible, its health must be closely monitored. In general, this breed is quite healthy, but you need to know that lapdogs are prone to dislocation of the kneecaps, chronic heart valve disease, hypoglycemia, cryptorchidism, pyloric stenosis and yeast dermatitis. In addition, Maltese lapdogs often suffer from glaucoma, distichiasis, progressive retinal atrophy, deafness, blindness, and clogged tear ducts.

Maltese lapdogs do not need fanatical care - it is enough to regularly bathe them and comb their hair, preventing it from tangling.

Most owners prefer a very short haircut for the entire body of the Maltese lapdogs. The short coat greatly facilitates the care of the dog and does not make the animal suffer on hot days. Those who love long-haired elegant lapdogs will have to take care of the animal much more carefully, so that it always looks well-groomed and tidy. Since Maltese lapdogs practically do not shed, the owner must get rid of the old wool on his own - otherwise it will get tangled and form tangles. They will pull on the skin of the lapdog, causing it painful sensations and giving it an ugly appearance.
