How To Lose Weight For A Dog

How To Lose Weight For A Dog
How To Lose Weight For A Dog

Dogs, like humans, can get fat and thin. Excess weight negatively affects the quality of life of the animal: it limits its mobility, causes shortness of breath and increased fatigue. It can also cause metabolic disorders, joint diseases and cardiovascular diseases.

How to lose weight for a dog
How to lose weight for a dog

Proper dog nutrition

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It is sometimes difficult for novice dog breeders to determine the normal weight of their pet. Therefore, it is best to seek advice from your veterinarian. The normal weight of a dog depends on its age, gender and size. As a rule, a dog is considered fat if the ribs are poorly felt under the layer of muscle and fat.

Weigh your dog before starting to lose weight. This is best done if you first measure your own weight on a floor scale, and then stand on it with the dog in your arms. Subtract your own weight from the total weight, and you get the weight of the pet. Large dogs are best weighed at a veterinary clinic.

The breed of the dog is also important in determining the weight of the animal. For Rottweilers, bulldogs, pugs, a dense physique is characteristic, and hounds are distinguished by a toned belly and a thin, but well-developed muscle layer.

It is recommended to transfer the plump dog to a less high-calorie diet. Reduce feed portions by 10-15%. To accurately calculate the amount of food, weigh it on a culinary scale. In between feedings, do not feed the animal food from your table: cookies, slices of cheese or sausage, etc. Make sure your family members do not feed the dog either.

After two weeks of reduced calorie intake, weigh the dog again. If she has not been able to lose weight, reduce the portion by another 10%. If the animal begins to lose weight, continue to feed the reduced feed until the desired result is achieved.

The consumption rates shown on the dog food packaging are based on the average animal, excluding age, sex and level of physical activity. Your dog may need a larger or smaller portion of food.

Don't starve your dog to lose weight quickly. Not only will this not have a long-term effect, but it can also adversely affect the health and behavior of your pet.

Dog physical activity

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Daily walks are extremely important for the dog. If you lengthen the morning or evening walk by just 10 minutes, the animal will burn more calories and improve its fitness. In the open air, try to move more with the dog. Play ball or fetch a stick. If possible, allow your pet to socialize, play and run with other pet dogs.

Make sure the games are intense enough. Your dog's breathing and heart rate should increase significantly. In hot weather, refrain from outdoor games so that the animal does not develop an attack of angina pectoris.
