How To Build An Aquarium

How To Build An Aquarium
How To Build An Aquarium

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Currently, you can find a large number of different types of aquariums in stores. However, you may not always find exactly what you want. Therefore, you can assemble the aquarium with your own hands. This will also save you some money, as the price of a ready-made aquarium can be quite expensive in the store.

How to build an aquarium
How to build an aquarium

It is necessary

glass, sealant, silicone glue, tools, cotton gloves


Step 1

Before you start making an aquarium, you need to clearly understand what kind of aquarium you want to make. Decide on the size and place where it will stand. Think about the shape of your future aquarium. You can easily make a small aquarium out of a glass jar. If you want to make a real medium-sized aquarium, then you should make it in a rectangular shape. You also need to think through all the details of your aquarium.

Step 2

Make a drawing of the future aquarium. Consider this step carefully, as a correctly executed drawing will save you from spoiled material. First, make a small sketch, and then translate it into a detailed drawing. Check the correctness of its execution.

Step 3

Now you need to choose the glass from which the aquarium will be made. Glasses are of different types. For an aquarium, you must choose glass of at least M1 grade. Also, before purchasing a stele, make sure that the glass is free of scratches, scuffs or bubbles. After buying glass, you need to think about cutting it. If you are working with glass for the first time, then you should not try to cut the glass with your own hands, as there is a high probability of ruining the material. You'd better trust the professionals. Contact the nearest workshop, where they will cut out the blanks according to your drawing. Remember that machine cutting is more accurate than hand cutting. Do not forget about the processing of glass edges, as this is a very important safety point. If the workshop does not do this for you, then you will have to process the edges with your own hands. Never leave the edges of the glass untreated!

Step 4

Now you can start assembling the aquarium itself. To do this, you need to use special glue and sealant. It is best to choose a glue based on silicone. The choice of sealant should also be taken with care and care, since there are sealants that, by their composition, can kill the microflora of the aquarium organisms. The sealant is available in black, white or colorless. There are two types of gluing - walls to the bottom and walls around the bottom. Both are in no way inferior to each other. It is worth noting that it is best to first glue, and only then process the edges, since silicone glue grasps smooth surfaces well, but rough surfaces may not glue. After gluing, place the aquarium to dry.

Step 5

Check your aquarium assembly. To do this, pour water into it and put it on a sheet of paper. There should be no leakage anywhere. If it does, then do not rush to throw out your aquarium. Everything can be corrected. If the leak is very small, then you can not even touch it, since the sand grains of the aquarium will soon clog it, and the water will stop oozing through the leak. If the leak is of an impressive size, then it is necessary to re-glue this part of the seam. After making the body, you can start directly decorating your aquarium. Don't forget about the backlight and filter.
