Tibetan Shih Tzu Breed - A Dog That Falls Out Of The Eyes

Tibetan Shih Tzu Breed - A Dog That Falls Out Of The Eyes
Tibetan Shih Tzu Breed - A Dog That Falls Out Of The Eyes

The Shih Tzu is the oldest Tibetan breed, the origin of which is shrouded in mystery. There are several legends about her. Despite their decorative appearance, Shih Tzu are dogs with a complex character that require special care.

Tibetan Shih Tzu breed - a dog that falls out of the eyes
Tibetan Shih Tzu breed - a dog that falls out of the eyes

Legends about the origin of the breed

The first legend says that the Shih Tzu is the embodiment of Tang Sing. This snow lion is able to change its appearance and has great power.

The second legend says that on all his travels and wanderings, Buddha Manyushri took with him a small reliable companion, namely a dog in a "snow coat". This dog had a sensitive hearing and warned of danger. According to legend, the Shih Tzu is a dog with a lion's heart.

Shih Tzu - a dog whose eyes fall out

Any breed of dog has vulnerabilities. In the Shih Tzu, the weak point is the eyes. It is they who require special care and attention. Loss of eyes is misalignment or prolapse of the eyeball. This pathology occurs due to trauma or structural features of the bony orbit. Any injury or pathology is treated with surgery. The bony orbit of this breed is not closed, but is limited only by the ligament, which in case of injury tends to stretch. With proper care, this can be avoided.

Shih Tzu dog personality

Dogs of this breed are good companions, they do not have a pronounced owner and share their loyalty among all family members. Shih Tzu do not like loneliness and are very attached to people. These dogs are very affectionate and loving. They love to play and are easy to learn. Shih Tzu are strong and strong dogs. They are rather silent, rarely bark.

Grooming a Shih Tzu dog

For wool. Dogs of the breed have a long flowing coat that requires special care. From the devices, a comb and a brush with metal long teeth are required. You need to comb the dog strand by strand. It is imperative to have a spray for combing matted wool and mats. The dog should be bathed at a water temperature just above the dog's body. After bathing, you need to blot the pet's body with a towel. Do not blow dry your dog frequently.

Behind the claws. A haircut should be carried out weekly with special clipper nippers. The procedure is carried out very carefully.

Behind the ears. Once every three to four weeks, pluck the hair in the ears with tweezers. The sinks are cleaned with a specialized gel or chlorhexidine. After which they are processed with powder.

Behind the teeth. Brushing is done weekly during the bathing period with a special dog toothpaste and a small soft brush. You can also use specialized brushing sticks on a daily basis.
