Chihuahua needs special care, despite its size, it takes a lot of time. Like any dog, representatives of this breed need walking, feeding, grooming their hair and nails.

It is necessary
- - time for walking,
- - a separate place to sleep,
- - clothes for dogs,
- - feed,
- - brush for wool.
Step 1
Not every dog breeder can handle Chihuahua care. Dogs of this breed have a lot of energy. You need to walk them at least three times. The dog is constantly running, playing, jumping. If it's cold outside, then you must definitely put on a suit, otherwise the dog will quickly get cold. Some dog breeders have managed to tame the Chihuahua to the litter box.
Step 2
The sleeping place should be comfortable, warm and dry. The dog can learn to cover itself with a blanket over time. If she doesn't like the bed, then wait for the pet on your bed at night.
Step 3
Choose a thick wool brush. You need to comb it out 3 times a week, otherwise the wool will get into lumps. After a walk in the wet season, the wool must be dried. If the dog is very dirty, then bathe it. If you don't have a dog shampoo, use a baby shampoo. To make the coat shine, add chamomile broth to the bath.
Step 4
Feed strictly specialized Chihuahua food. Simple food for them is very harmful, you can ruin the pet's stomach. Buy the treat only at the pet store.