How To Feed A Yorkie

How To Feed A Yorkie
How To Feed A Yorkie

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Yorkshire Terrier is a tiny dog that requires a lot of attention. It is especially important to feed your Yorkie properly, because a balanced diet is the key to the health, well-being and excellent appearance of this funny little creature.

How to feed a Yorkie
How to feed a Yorkie


Step 1

Yorkies are prone to obesity. Overfeeding them can not only lead to overweight, but also cause problems associated with the development of the skeleton. You need to feed an adult Yorkie twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. It is very easy to determine the amount of food needed for one feeding. For every half a kilogram of pet's weight, 1 tablespoon of feed is enough.

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how to feed your pet

Step 2

If you decide to feed your pet natural food, do not forget to add a special vitamin and mineral supplement to the bowl with the food. In ready-made food for Yorkshire terriers, the ratio of all ingredients is balanced, so there is no need to take additional vitamins.

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Step 3

The basis of a healthy Yorkie diet includes: raw or scalded beef, thoroughly cooked beef offal (kidneys, liver, stomachs), boiled or raw vegetables, oatmeal porridge, dairy products, including calcined cottage cheese, sea fish and egg yolks. All of these foods must be fresh, thoroughly washed and processed. Chop meat, fish and vegetables finely before giving them to the dog.

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Step 4

Eliminate pork, lamb, various smoked meats, river fish, sausage, pollock, pasta, fresh bread, cabbage, potatoes, milk and all kinds of sweets from the York diet. Do not feed your pet cat food. It contains too much protein and fat.

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how to wash yorks

Step 5

When composing a menu for your pet, follow some recommendations. The morning feed of the Yorkshire Terrier must be liquid. Alternate meat delicacy, which must be given at least 5 times a week, with milk one. Give your pet vegetables every day, fish twice a week, and egg yolk once a week.

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Step 6

The plate of food and the bowl of water should be at the level of the Yorkie's chest, so place them on a small, stable stand that the dog cannot knock over.
