How To Wean A Pet From Stealing Food

How To Wean A Pet From Stealing Food
How To Wean A Pet From Stealing Food

Pets, if not taught to order, can start stealing food. In order to prevent this from happening, you should adhere to certain feeding rules. If the animal still has a bad habit, it is quite possible to eradicate it.

How to wean a pet from stealing food
How to wean a pet from stealing food

General feeding rules

Try not to treat your pet while eating. A big mistake is the behavior of people when they, sitting at the table, begin to feed the animal (it does not matter, a cat or a dog), throwing pieces of various tasty things on the floor. It is even worse when the owner and pet are sitting and eating at the same table. This behavior contributes to the fact that for the latter, food from the table begins to seem much tastier. In addition, the animal learns to pick up food from the floor or table (even worse).

Before you sit down at the table yourself, you should feed the pet. A well-fed animal is unlikely to beg or steal food.

A cat or dog should be fed exclusively from a bowl. Stealing food from the table can lead to poisoning of the animal. This is especially true of various holidays, when the tables are laden with food. Often, the owners cannot keep track of the pet, as a result, he can overeat from the table and get poisoned. Therefore, you need to teach your pets to eat from a bowl and nowhere else.

Do not leave food on the table, especially if you leave the animal alone in the house. Otherwise, it can become a provocative moment for him.

Weaning an animal from stealing

If the whole animal has learned to steal food, it is necessary to take measures to wean from this. You can try tossing your pet food during the day, especially during your meal, and monitor his reactions. As soon as he tries to pick up the thrown, you need to punish him. The cat can be hissed or sprayed with water. It is better to punish the dog with loud unpleasant sounds.

You should take an empty iron can (you can from under a cola), put a few coins there and seal the hole with tape. This "rattle" must be connected if the dog behaves inappropriately. After clearly pronouncing the word "no", you should rattle the jar, if there is no reaction, throw it near the food. In this case, it is important not to hurt the animal itself.

After a few days, after such training, you can move on to placing traps on the floor. You can tie a treat to the same jar of coins on a string. When the dog tries to eat it, the can will fall with a crash from any hill, scaring it off. In the case of a cat, a plastic cup of water can be tied to the food. At the moment the "scarecrows" are triggered, you should go into the room and scold the animal, removing the source of fear.

A few days after such actions, it will be possible to notice that the animal has begun to wean itself from a bad habit. To consolidate the effect, it is recommended to place traps on tables, chairs and other heights. Soon, the pet will avoid stealing food altogether.
