Turtles are known not only for being able to hide in a shell at any time, but also for their lifespan. With proper care of it, the turtle can live 25-40 years. If you are taking a very small individual, then remember that it can grow by 15-20 centimeters. Therefore, you should immediately think about purchasing an aviary or terrarium for an animal. This will make it feel much more comfortable. In addition, turtles are prone to colds, as they are unable to warm themselves. Sometimes unscrupulous breeders or pet store sellers do not warn buyers about this and sell already sick animals.

Step 1
In order to select a healthy turtle, you need to examine it, as well as observe the behavior of the animal. Pay attention to how the turtle behaves. It should be mobile enough and move well on a horizontal surface. If the turtle lives in water, then it must dive into it, dive. If the animal only floats on the surface, this is a sure sign of pneumonia.

Step 2
Take a close look at the tortoise shell. On it, as well as on the head, there should be no horny outgrowths. The carapace must be firm and immobile. Also take a closer look at the turtle's skin for ticks. Next, examine the eyes of the animal. They should open, and no discharge or darkening is also a good sign. The turtle's nose and mouth should also be free of deposits. If you notice that foam appears near the mouth or nose, then this is a sure sign that the animal has pneumonia.

Step 3
Listen for the turtle's breathing. Healthy individuals breathe soundlessly. However, if you scare the animal, it may snort.