The Poodle is a kind, energetic, cheerful dog, and its nickname should emphasize the merits of this breed. When choosing a name for a poodle, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the dog, its intelligence and ability to train. When awarding her with a nickname, one should remember about the breeding history of this breed.

Step 1
The nickname of the poodle can be chosen with the mention of the external signs of the dog. For example, Lyovik - a reference to a hairstyle that resembles a lion, or Fluffy (Fuzzy) - the name emphasizes a soft, fluffy coat. The nickname Handsome says about the exterior, and sometimes the purebredness of the dog.

Step 2
The poodle can be named after the predecessors who glorified this breed. For example, using characters from artwork. Mefik - the semantics of this word contains information that in the form of a poodle, Mephistopheles appeared to Faust. Brutus is the name of a poodle in the instructive poem by Heinrich Heine "The Virtuous Dog".

Step 3
The nickname can be associated with certain historical events. For example, Zuave - the name recalls the name of the regiments during the Italian war, which, not wanting to part with their pets, hid them in drums. From here, you can also make a different nickname, for example, Barabakh. Revolutionary - Poodle - Dog "Revolution", a popular breed in the French army during Napoleon's time. Duelist (Dealer) - in medieval Italy, the owners taught poodles to relieve themselves at the enemy's house, thus challenging them to a duel. Mastic - Italian painters used poodles to entertain models during the artistic process. Mustash is a black poodle, a favorite of the French troops, who took part in the battles of Marengo and Austerlitz. Barbul - a dog with a sad fate, also participated in hostilities.

Step 4
Your poodle's name may be a reference to celebrity dogs. Zoppiko (Zoppik) is a favorite pet of the Roman emperor Vespasian. Although such a dog's nickname is not particularly sonorous in Russian. Wagner (abbreviated Wager) or Musician - reminds of the poodle that Richard Wagner took with him to the rehearsal of the orchestra. The dog reacted to falsity in the game with loud barks. Schopenger (Penger, Schorger) - nickname, tells that the poodle is a breed that Schopenhauer loved. He had a dog, Butz, which he called Atkan ("World Soul") in moments of joy. Barukko is the dog of Benvenuto Cellini, the famous jeweler of the Renaissance. Any of these nicknames will be fine for your pet.