Poodles were bred as companion dogs, they are distinguished by loyalty, excellent learning ability, health and longevity. They lend themselves well to training, and this process gives them a lot of pleasure, but the poodle will not mechanically and thoughtlessly follow commands, so play is the best method of raising him.

Step 1
From the first days of a poodle puppy in the house, accustom him to his place and name. To prevent the playful puppy from using your slippers, wallpaper, furniture legs as toys, buy him the necessary items for games and points of teeth. Make sure that objects dangerous to health and life are not accessible to him - foam rubber, washing powder, medicines, etc. Remove all electrical wires that he probably wants to try on the tooth.

Step 2
Conduct training according to the method of reward for the correct execution of commands. Do not practice them if you are in a bad mood - training should be pleasant to both and associate the dog with pleasure. Teach him the commands that can keep him safe: “Come to me!”, “You can't”, “Fu!”. Punish him with a light blow from the newspaper or in a stern voice as soon as an offense has been committed. They are especially good at obedience exercises, in this form they are real champions, so be sure to include them in each of your activities in order to cheer up yourself and your pet.

Step 3
Like all dogs, the poodle is a gregarious animal, so it will have periods when it tries to show its leadership qualities, especially in males. Stop such attempts immediately and unquestioningly, this will make life easier for both you and the dog. Take every opportunity to demonstrate who is the boss of the house. Don't let him occupy your favorite chair, climb onto the bed, or walk through the door before you. These are little things, in the eyes of humans, but they are clear signals for the dog, showing its lower position on the hierarchical ladder than the rest of the family.

Step 4
From the first days, do not allow a small puppy what you will forbid an adult dog. It will be almost impossible to wean him from the habits and reflexes acquired since childhood. Do not teach the poodle to beg at the table, wean him from barking for no reason. As much as you are touched by a little puppy, some of his habits can become very annoying afterwards.

Step 5
Teach him from childhood to stoically endure such a very unpleasant, but necessary for a poodle, procedure like combing and cutting. Even if, under any pretext, he tries to evade this, show restraint, perseverance and calmness. These qualities will help you to properly raise a poodle and always remain for him an indisputable authority and the most beloved person in the world.