The Royal Poodle is a very elegant dog originally from France. This is the largest representative of the poodle breed. Like all poodles, the royal poodle has a superbly developed intelligence, curiosity and mobility.

Royal poodles are capable of reaching 45-60 cm at the withers. In fact, royal poodles have the same breed standards as small ones. They simply differ in larger body sizes. The proportions of body parts among themselves are the same as in small poodles. Royal poodles weigh about 22 kg.
Royal poodle head
The poodle's head should be exquisitely contoured, not heavy or too delicate. It is proportional to the body. When viewed from above, the skull appears oval and slightly convex in profile. The superciliary arches are moderately expressed, densely covered with hair. The occipital protuberance is very pronounced, and the descent from the forehead to the muzzle is almost imperceptible. The nose looks vertical in profile, with well-open nostrils. The length of the poodle's muzzle should be about 9/10 of the length of the skull, and the overall muzzle looks strong.
The lips are moderately developed, not wet, medium in thickness. The upper lip does not overlap the lower lip; normal bite is scissor bite. The cheeks are poorly expressed, the cheekbones protrude slightly. The poodle has slightly obliquely set eyes with an almond-shaped cut. Eye color ranges from black to dark brown and amber. The ears are long and flat. Towards the tips, they expand, becoming rounded. The length of the ears reaches the corners of the lips. The neck of the beads is long, proud, slightly arched in the nape.
Body and color of the royal poodle
The body of Poodle dogs is slightly longer than the height at the withers, and the withers are almost equal to the height of the croup. The back is rather short, straight and firm. The loin is strong and muscular. The croup is somewhat rounded, but not sloping. The upper part of the chest is high, the chest itself reaches the elbows of the animal. The ribs are oval. The belly is moderately tucked up, the tail is at the level of the loin. The tail can be docked for several vertebrae, or it can be left in its natural form.
The front legs of the poodle are straight, parallel to each other, muscular. The distance between the ground and the elbows is 5/9 of the height at the withers. The shoulder and shoulder blade are equal in length. The hind legs are also parallel, with well-defined articulation angles. The thighs are muscular and strong, the hock is short and vertical. The toes are closed, the paw is in the shape of an oval. The color of the claws can be black, brown or white.
The skin of the poodles is elastic to the touch, without spots, and its color corresponds to the color of the dog. There are two types of coat: curly coat and corded coat. In a curly poodle, the coat is plentiful, the hair is thin and fluffy, and forms tight curls. The corded poodle has a thick and fluffy coat that forms cords from 20 cm in length. The color of royal poodles can be brown, gray, apricot, red. The skin and mucous membranes also contain a lot of pigment.