How To Care For Domestic Rabbits

How To Care For Domestic Rabbits
How To Care For Domestic Rabbits

Domestic rabbits are popular these days, and for good reason - these little fluffy animals are popular with both adults and children. Keeping domestic decorative rabbits is not difficult, but in order for the animal to be healthy and happy, you should follow a few simple rules for caring for it.

How to care for domestic rabbits
How to care for domestic rabbits
  1. First of all, you should choose a cage of a size suitable for your rabbit: the length of the cage should be at least 60 cm, and the width should be at least 30 cm. Remember that the cage should be cleaned at least 2-3 times a week. However, some owners of decorative rabbits prefer to train animals to walk in a cat litter box. If the animals are litter-trained, it becomes much easier to care for domestic rabbits: you just need to change the litter in the litter box once a week.
  2. It is useful to walk domestic rabbits from time to time - special harnesses for walking rabbits are now sold in many pet stores. The rabbit should be taught to walk gradually, starting with a few minutes of walking - some rabbits are very careful at first, and a long walk can scare them.
  3. There are long-haired breeds of domestic rabbits. Animals with long, thick and fluffy hair need regular brushing. But do not tidy up the rabbit's fur with a regular comb - you should purchase a special brush that will not get stuck in the fur and thereby give the animal unpleasant sensations.
  4. If from time to time you release your rabbit for walks around the apartment, make sure that at this time all objects potentially dangerous to the animal are hidden or inaccessible to him. It is especially necessary to carefully remove or hide various wires, since rabbits tend to gnaw through thin obstacles that come across them. If the wire is energized, tragedy cannot be avoided. Watch your rabbit while walking, do not let him gnaw and eat inappropriate things.
  5. Learning to care for domestic rabbits is not difficult if you control its diet and carefully monitor the animal's well-being. The less succulent food you give your rabbits, the better. Cabbages and beets should be especially avoided - these vegetables often cause stomach upset in domestic rabbits. Try to give the rabbits coarse fiber food more often - they have a beneficial effect on the condition of the gastrointestinal tract of rodents.
  6. Many rabbits need to have their claws trimmed from time to time. But if you do not have enough experience, it is better to leave this procedure to a specialist.
