Everything About Turtles, How To Feed Them

Everything About Turtles, How To Feed Them
Everything About Turtles, How To Feed Them

Today, land and water turtles are among the most popular pets. Caring for these ancient reptiles does not cause any difficulties and, if desired, even a child can master it.

Domestic turtle
Domestic turtle

Naturally, before you start a turtle at home, you should have an idea about the habits of the animal, about the peculiarities of caring for it and feeding it. However, it is feeding that is fundamental, since it divides the turtles into three groups: carnivores, omnivores, and herbivores.

Diet of carnivorous turtles

The most common predatory turtles kept at home are sea turtles. The basis of the diet of these animals, like any predators, should be animal protein, namely, lean sea fish. It is necessary to make a special emphasis on the word "low-fat" and in no case feed your pet with salmon, pink salmon, chum salmon, tuna and similar sea inhabitants. The turtle should be fed properly - thoroughly clean the meat from bones and cut into small pieces.

In addition to fish meat, boiled chicken and boiled beef liver should be present in the diet of a predatory turtle. These products are not only an invaluable source of animal protein, but also an excellent prevention against a number of diseases that affect the blood vessels of reptiles.

As a treat, sea turtles can be given meat from frogs, worms, snails, as well as some seafood.

Diet of herbivorous turtles

Herbivorous turtles should have a plant-based diet. The main food is a variety of greens. The turtle eats lettuce, plantain, dandelion, lemon balm and other common plants with pleasure. Sometimes, as a treat, you can give your pet a piece of fish (lean) or a piece of hard-boiled egg.

In addition to the listed foods and plants, porridge can be added to the diet of the herbivorous turtle. There are also known cases when turtles happily eat berries and even mushrooms. However, this food should not be overused.

Diet of omnivorous turtles

The most famous domestic omnivorous turtle is the red-eared turtle. The diet of these animals should consist of plant foods and foods based on animal protein. The main principle that should be adhered to in feeding an omnivorous turtle: the animal's diet should be balanced, in other words - 50% animal food, 50% vegetable.

An interesting fact: if you feed a red-eared turtle with plant food for a long time, you can eventually turn it into a vegetarian turtle.
