What Sounds Do Guinea Pigs Make

What Sounds Do Guinea Pigs Make
What Sounds Do Guinea Pigs Make

Guinea pigs are glorious gullible animals. They are angry, purr with pleasure, curious, afraid, start love games. And at the same time they make different sounds.

The guinea pig
The guinea pig

Sounds of pleasure

Guinea pig: what it looks like
Guinea pig: what it looks like

If you take a pig in your arms and gently stroke from the head down the coat, scratch behind its ears and massage its sides a little, it will sing to you. It will be a gentle squeak, quiet and intermittent at first. The more pleasure the guinea pig gets and the more she trusts you, the louder and longer her song. The pig can even lay flat like a pancake, close its eyes and purr: "Fit-fit-fit-puiiiii!". It means that she is relaxed and peaceful.

With similar sounds, only slightly shorter, the pigs communicate with each other if they are friends. Apparently, this is how they express recognition to each other, share their impressions. At the same time, they can jump up, like popcorn (among pig breeders this is what they call “popcorn”). And squeak a little louder or quieter, depending on the emotionality of the animal.

Guinea pigs are little explorers. If you let them walk around the apartment, you can hear low gentle short sounds: “Bul-bul! Boole! So pigs show curiosity, interest.

During love games, pigs make sounds similar to blowing bubbles through a tube in a glass of water: "Furrrr!" The sound can be lingering, monotonous, not too loud. At the same time, they fluff up the scruff of the neck, shuffle from foot to foot.

"Love" sounds can be exchanged among themselves and same-sex pigs. This is how they study each other and mark the boundaries of their territory.

Negative signals

how to insert a guinea pig drinker
how to insert a guinea pig drinker

The frightened guinea pig will utter a dull "Urrrr", similar to the vibrating alert of a telephone, and tremble slightly. But she denotes irritation with a short, sharp screech - for example, when you casually touched it. If the pig is angry, it squeals for a longer time, while clicking its teeth, as if warning: "I have no time for jokes!"

One of the most impressive sounds a pig makes can be heard at night. This is a very sharp intermittent squeak, similar to the cry of a bird caught in the trap. At the same time, the pig freezes in place, her gaze glazes. An inexperienced owner may be afraid for his pet. By this sound, the pigs are called relatives. Small children of pigs can express their fear in this way.

Since guinea pigs are herd animals, it is sad for them to live alone. If your pig often makes a similar sound, try petting the pet more often or put him in a friend's cage.

If your pig is hungry, you don't miss it. She will stand up and will shrill shrilly to the whole apartment: "Oo-oo-oo!", Wiggling her ears. You wonder how loud such a small animal can be! Guinea pigs study their hosts. They usually memorize sounds, for example, the knock of a knife on a board when preparing a salad or the rustle of a bag from which cabbage is taken out. Subsequently, upon hearing these sounds, the pigs whistle invitingly. They also have a well-developed sense of smell. So you will hardly be able to quietly have a bite of a cucumber, the "alarm" will immediately turn on!
