Many owners of mischievous ferrets just dream of teaching their pets some interesting tricks. By the way, training of the animal to the tray, to its nickname, to a harness or a leash also belongs to training. Proud ferrets are much more difficult to train than other pets. But still, spending maximum time and effort on training, you can teach your pet something useful.

Step 1
Before you start training your ferret, allow him to calm down from the game, otherwise his attention will not be focused on your commands and training methods, but on other objects that interest the animal. Moreover, training should always be carried out in the same place, away from other pets and what can distract the animal from classes.

Step 2
You can train your ferret using five basic training methods. The essence of the mechanical method of training is that the command that you are trying to teach the animal is reinforced by mechanical action. Using this method, you can familiarize the ferret with prohibitions such as "fu" and "no".

Step 3
Gustatory training involves using a treat as a reward for a command performed by a ferret. But remember that this tasty reward is part of the total food the animal receives during the day. Therefore, the pieces of the treat should not be too large. By the way, use really tasty-smelling food as a reward, not the ferret's bored food.

Step 4
The most common way to train ferrets is contrast. It is popularly called the carrot and stick method. Its principle lies in the fact that the team is reinforced by both treats and mechanical action on the animal.

Step 5
The core of the mimic method of training ferrets is to mimic the behavior of other animals living next to the trained pet.

Step 6
You can also use the pushing method when training your ferret. If you see that the animal is running towards you on its own, reinforce its actions with the command "to me". If the pet still ran up to you, be sure to treat him with something tasty.
Step 7
The commands you teach your ferret should be short and easy to remember, such as “place,” “forward,” “no,” “eat,” and so on.
Step 8
Start teaching your ferret for a new command only when he perfectly learns the previous one. Do not drag out the training. One lesson should last no more than 5-10 minutes.