Chinchillas are funny animals with a cheerful disposition and a very pretty appearance. Thanks to these qualities, they have become one of the most popular pets. Chinchillas are collective animals, so it is better to start a couple of rodents at once. Depending on your goals, you should choose a different-sex or same-sex couple, and for this - be able to determine the sex of chinchillas.

Step 1
If you choose a pet from several animals in the same cage, note that female chinchillas are larger than males and are more active. However, when choosing a rodent at a pet store, do not forget to check with the seller the age of the puppies, because there may be chinchillas of different litters in the cage. Do not be confused by the fact that chinchillas girls try to molest males - for these rodents this is normal behavior.
Step 2
Gently take the animals and turn them upside down. In chinchillas, external sexual characteristics are not clearly expressed, however, if you still saw protruding testicles, then you are clearly in front of a male. The most reliable difference between females and males in chinchillas is the distance between the anal and urethra. In males, it can reach two to three millimeters, and in females of chinchillas, the distance between the urethra and the anus is almost imperceptible.
Step 3
It is easy to tell the male from the female while hunting. The girl becomes more active, refuses to eat, scatters food. Her genitals turn pink, the vagina becomes clearly visible, a white-transparent liquid is released from it. At this time, the male begins to court the female, while emitting a funny snort. Of course, courtship takes place only upon reaching puberty, which chinchillas reach at the age of seven months.