Why Did The Red-eared Turtle Have A Soft Shell?

Why Did The Red-eared Turtle Have A Soft Shell?
Why Did The Red-eared Turtle Have A Soft Shell?

Often people have a turtle as a pet, and especially a red-eared one. They are sold out very quickly on the market, which indicates the growing popularity of this type of reptile.

Why did the red-eared turtle have a soft shell?
Why did the red-eared turtle have a soft shell?

Red-eared turtle

The taxonomy of the red-eared turtle species is quite confusing. Their shells are relatively flat. In the young of these reptiles, a light green shade of the shell is observed, with age its color is transformed into light brown or olive, then patterns appear on it, which look like vertical yellow stripes, which are especially noticeable in water. An elongated red spot is located behind the eye of the red-eared turtle. It is thanks to him that she owes her name. On the head, neck and limbs of the reptile, stripes of white and light green are observed.

Maintenance and care of red-eared turtles

Red-eared turtles live long enough. Their average life expectancy in good conditions is about 30 years. It is only necessary to keep these domestic reptiles in spacious aquaterrariums. The tank for one turtle should have a volume of 100 to 150 liters. Red-eared turtles spend most of their lives in water. However, for recreation and walking, they still need dry land. Caring owners attach a plastic island to the wall of the aquarium and limit themselves to this. But in fact, this is not enough. It will be quite difficult for the turtle to climb it. Specialty stores offer turtle islands that meet all the requirements. The size of such an accessory should be at least a quarter of the area of the entire aquarium.

Why can a turtle's shell become soft and what to do in this case?

Red-eared turtles are weak creatures, and even in captivity, they can get sick at any time. Symptoms such as a soft shell, sluggish behavior, and poor appetite are signs that a turtle is not healthy. The tortoise shell softens due to a lack of ultraviolet radiation, which for a pet can result in a deterioration in the absorption of trace elements and vitamins.

To avoid health problems, the turtle should be regularly irradiated with an ultraviolet lamp, which is sold in almost any pet store or specialized online store. This is a prerequisite for keeping a red-eared turtle in captivity, which can preserve its health.

Raw fish must be present in the diet of the red-eared turtle. Such food contains small fish bones necessary for proper nutrition of a domestic reptile. You can additionally give your pet calcium and vitamins. But do not mix them with the main food of the red-eared turtle. They dissolve well in water and have a positive effect on its health.
