Why Did The Chickens Stop Laying?

Why Did The Chickens Stop Laying?
Why Did The Chickens Stop Laying?

A chicken egg contains vitamins, protein and minerals. Eggs strengthen joints and bones, increase brain activity, and stimulate the immune system. In addition, this product is assimilated by 97-98% by the human body. In a family farm, raising chickens plays an important role precisely because of the high nutritional value of eggs. However, it happens that the chickens suddenly stop laying.

Why did the chickens stop laying?
Why did the chickens stop laying?

The reasons why chickens stopped laying eggs can be different. The main ones are:

- incorrect conditions of detention;

- fright and stress;

- improper nutrition;

- infections and diseases;

- inattention of the owner.

Incorrect conditions for keeping laying hens

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how to make a cage for laying hens

One of the reasons chickens stopped laying is that the temperature in the house is too low or too high. The optimum temperature for chickens is 20-23 ° C, not higher than 25 ° C. Hanging a thermometer in your coop is the surest way to determine how well your conditions are. If necessary, insulate the chicken coop or ventilate it more often.

Ventilate the coop often and keep it clean. Make sure that there is enough light in it and the temperature is optimal for the birds.

Another reason for the decline in egg production in laying hens may be a lack of light in the house. Experienced veterinarians and owners of poultry farms recommend not turning off the lights in this room at night, but during the day to release the birds to fresh air in a fenced area intended for walking them.

In addition, the room where the laying hens are located should be sufficiently spacious. If there are too many chickens in the house, this may be one of the reasons why they stop laying. Make sure there is room for eggs in the coop. Place extra roosters in a separate enclosure. One rooster is enough for ten chickens.

Other causes of decreased egg production in chickens

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how to feed chickens

Fright and stress. Chickens are very shy birds. They can be stressed by anything from heavy rain to loud screams. Therefore, various unexpected and exciting situations often lead to the fact that chickens stop producing eggs.

Some chickens may peck at their own freshly laid eggs themselves, especially if calcium deficiency is present.

Improper nutrition. When a bird does not have enough solid food and food rich in calcium, vitamins and minerals, it stops laying eggs or the latter come out without shell. In this case, it is recommended to change the feed to a new one and introduce the missing vitamins into the chicken diet. To make up for the lack of calcium, give them crushed shells or egg shells.

If chickens have stopped laying eggs for a long time, you should contact your veterinarian.

Chickens can suffer from various diseases and infections. Only a consultation with a veterinarian can correct the situation.

Sometimes the owner of the chickens inadvertently thinks that they have stopped rushing. However, quite often crows, mice, rats or wild animals steal eggs from the poultry house, which creates the deceptive impression that there were no eggs at all. Rats do this very cunningly: one of them takes a chicken egg in its paws, then lies on its back, and the rest carry it along with the trophy to their home. Ravens act much easier: taking an egg in their beak, they fly away.

It should also be borne in mind that the chicken lays eggs in order to hatch the chickens from them. When she realizes that her eggs are missing, she can change the place of laying. Look carefully in all corners of the house, it is possible that you will find them.
