Astronotus is one of the largest aquarium fish, reaching 35 cm in length. Since the natural habitat of these fish is the Amazon River basin, small fish form the basis of their food. In general, it is believed that the section "feeding" when breeding this subspecies is the most important.

Step 1
In conditions of home breeding, it is enough for them to purchase a spacious and capacious aquarium with a capacity of 300-500 liters. In such a home habitat, astronotuses will willingly absorb earthworms (it is advisable to soak them in clean water for four hours), large bloodworms, pieces of fish meat, dragonfly larvae, tadpoles, grasshoppers, scraped meat, pieces of shrimp and mussels (you can scroll in a meat grinder), chopped or whole shellfish, chopped beef, liver, small sea fish (they usually swallow it whole), etc.

Step 2
It is better not to use artificial food for feeding, it will only pollute the aquarium water, and will not give your pets full saturation. If there is still no other option for feeding, choose a special pelleted food for Astronotus. In any case, animal protein should prevail in the diet of your pets.

Step 3
It is more convenient to procure for the future a couple of kilograms of a mixture of different feeds, which can be grinded on a blender and packed in a plastic bag. Next, right in the bag, you need to roll it out on the table and freeze this cake in the freezer.

Step 4
Apathetic and very sluggish Astronotuses generally behave quite calmly, but it is worth pouring food on them - they rush to food on full alert. At the beginning of their acquaintance with these types of fish, they are very shy, for some time they get away from the stress when moving from one aquarium to another, but gradually they get used to it and, when they see the owner, often swim up to the front glass and take food from their hands.
Step 5
It is enough to feed adult fish once a day, the younger generation needs to eat twice a day. Only the newly born fry start feeding with daphnia, cyclops, brine shrimp, switching to larger feeds as they grow - start the transition from cut tubifex and small bloodworms. In order not to pick up an intestinal infection, it is better to refrain from feeding with a tubule when the astronotus reaches the age of four months.
Step 6
The amount of food should be such that the fish eat everything in five to seven minutes. And do not forget to arrange a fasting day for adult astronotists once a week.