How To Teach A Budgerigar To Speak Individual Words And Sentences

How To Teach A Budgerigar To Speak Individual Words And Sentences
How To Teach A Budgerigar To Speak Individual Words And Sentences

It is very difficult to get rid of the thought: how to teach a budgerigar to talk. It seems that instilling this skill is quite simple, but not every owner has patience and perseverance. The main thing is not to retreat in front of difficulties, because the return on training is worth the effort.

Budgerigars are the most capable talkers
Budgerigars are the most capable talkers

How to prepare for class

Budgerigars have an average level of intelligence, they can pronounce single words and short sentences. You should not wait for the first results after 7-14 days. A talented "student" can say the first word after a few months of training, but this depends not only on the abilities of the bird. The focus of the owner plays an important role, because even daily exercises give results after 6 months.

A young parrot needs time to get used to the new environment. The owner should feel connected with his new pet. Before you start, you need to tame the budgerigar to the first lesson.

· talk;

· Stroking the head and chest;

· Treat with a variety of delicacies;

· Do not show aggression.

The parrot must live in the cage alone. If you add a neighbor to a feathered bird, then most likely he will not learn to reproduce human speech, because will devote a lot of time to his household, and not to work.

Who is more talented - girls or boys

Males are much braver and nimble than females. They sing more often and more beautifully. They are more inclined to talk with a person. Males can hold dozens of words in their heads and speak.

Females are not so talkative, but listen carefully to the speech of their master. To teach a girl to talk, you need to be patient, and also prepare for a complete failure. But if the female is endowed with talent, then consider yourself lucky, because girls' speech is much clearer than boys.

How to quickly achieve a positive result

No matter how much the owner wants to hear intelligible words and short phrases from the pet as soon as possible, it is necessary to be patient, because even babies begin to talk closer to the first year of life. There are several nuances that the owner should know when starting training:

1. It is advisable to talk to the bird in the afternoon or morning. Evening classes are not very successful because towards evening, the parrot's attention is scattered.

2. A wavy parrot is easier to perceive a female or child's voice.

3. Clear and slow speech is memorized faster. Speak in a calm voice and articulate sounds correctly.

4. Turn off your TV, computer and other equipment. It will be extremely difficult for a bird to concentrate in the presence of noise.

5. Do not drag out the lesson. Practice with the parrot for no more than 5 minutes.

6. The first words should contain the sounds "p", "p", "t", "k", "a", "o". If a bird speaks its name, it is a reason for pride.

7. Long breaks in studies nullify all efforts. You need to talk with the feathered every day.
