We Teach A Budgerigar To Speak

We Teach A Budgerigar To Speak
We Teach A Budgerigar To Speak

Table of contents:


Those who dream of a talking parrot do not need to purchase a large exotic bird. Buy a small budgerigar, this particular breed is considered one of the most capable. Train your pet yourself. With due perseverance, very soon the parrot will delight the owner with the first words.

We teach a budgerigar to speak
We teach a budgerigar to speak

It is necessary

  • - translucent fabric;
  • - Dictaphone;
  • - treats for the parrot.


Step 1

The most promising students are male parrots. Contrary to popular belief, females can also speak, but they do it less willingly. Much also depends on the innate abilities of the bird. Some literally grab words on the fly, others need lengthy lessons. Some owners claim that the ability to reproduce words is inherited. Chances are high that chicks of talkative parents will also be talkative.

Step 2

It is recommended to purchase a young parrot. The ideal age to start communication is a month and a half. After a few days, the parrot will begin to take food from his hands, will allow him to iron feathers and scratch his neck. You do not need to take it in your hands, it can scare the bird. It is better if the pet itself will move from the perch to your finger and vice versa. When your pet is fully accustomed to you, you can start training it.

Step 3

Prepare for the lesson in advance. Cover the parrot cage with a translucent cloth in the evening. Lift it up in the morning, but do not remove it completely. The bird should pay attention to you and not be distracted. Immediately start repeating a short, two-syllable word you have chosen beforehand. This is usually the pet's name or greeting. The lesson lasts no more than 3 minutes, after which the bird will begin to be distracted. Give your pet a treat, such as a slice of apple or cereal bar. Fold the fabric completely out of the cage and allow the bird to rest.

Step 4

Repeat the lesson every morning, it is at this time that the parrot is especially attentive and receptive. After a few days, throwing back the fabric, you will hear familiar words from your pet. Don't forget to treat, pet, and praise your parrot. After your pet has learned the first word, move on to the second, and then you can start learning short phrases.

Step 5

A voice recorder will help speed up the learning process. Write down words or phrases that you learn with your pet on it. Turn on the recorder several times a day. You can also try vocal lessons, the bird will easily remember the simple chorus of a popular song.
