The talking parrot is not a fiction or a fairy tale character. Long-livers are considered intellectuals among parrots - cockatoo and gray. Corella-nymph is also able to learn a dozen or two words. And among ordinary budgerigars, sometimes there are vocabulary champions. When a young budgerigar appears in your home, it's time to start training.

Step 1
The technique of teaching parrots to talk does not differ from one species to another. The younger the parrot, the easier it will be to teach him to speak. Males speak more often and more readily than females. Do not start lessons from the very first day, let the parrot get used to the new environment. Communicate with him calmly, without focusing on individual phrases.

Step 2
When the parrot is used to a new family, you can move on to training. Let it be for a start one phrase or pet name. Training begins in the morning, after cleaning and feeding. Repeat the phrase ten to fifteen times, with intonation. The bird should contact you at this time, be interested.
Step 3
Repeat the learned phrase more often than others, in a calm, gentle voice. Encourage the parrot to chirp back and repeat the phrase again. Lessons should be daily, but no longer than ten minutes. If the bird has lost interest, stop the lesson.

Step 4
After a few days, you can begin to learn the second phrase, even if the parrot has not learned to clearly repeat the first one. Alternate phrases throughout the lesson. Use these phrases when communicating with your pet in situations in which you would like to hear them.

Step 5
Don't get annoyed or discouraged. If it seems to you that the training is not successful, contact the bird more and continue the lessons. The parrot's speech sounds most clearly in the morning song, at such moments it looks like a tape recording from your voice.