There are many ways to decorate your home aquarium. One option is to glue a decorative plastic backdrop onto the back of the aquarium. If you purchased a background without a special adhesive layer, you can attach it using the following techniques.

It is necessary
- Decorative background;
- aquarium;
- scissors;
- Scotch;
- glycerol;
- putty knife;
- silicone sealant.
Step 1
Regardless of how you will attach the background decoration, you must first clean the glass surface of the aquarium. This can be done with a dishwashing sponge and glass cleaner. Wipe the glass thoroughly to remove dust and streaks.
Step 2
The easiest option is to stick the flexible backing to the back of the aquarium with pieces of tape. You need to buy a background picture with a margin. It should be several centimeters larger on all sides. At home, you can use scissors to cut the background to the size you want. Place the background against the aquarium and line it up to the top edge. First, tape the top of the background with tape. And then, gently smoothing the background, stick on the sides and bottom. This mounting method has a drawback. Accidentally appearing water droplets can enter the space between the background and the wall of the aquarium. In damp places, the background will adhere more to the glass. This will impair the visual perception of the aquarium.
Step 3
A safer way to secure a flexible backdrop is to stick it on with glycerin. You can buy it at the pharmacy. Any mineral oil can be used instead of glycerin. Take the background and tape it on one edge. Apply glycerin to the back of the aquarium. For these purposes, you can use a brush, but it is better to apply the glycerin by hand, as the brush can leave dust and lint. On the missed wall, start gradually applying the background. Use a spatula to smooth out irregularities and expel air bubbles from the background. The spatula can be replaced with a plastic card. Wipe off excess glycerin along the edges with a dry cloth. At the end of the procedure, secure the remaining edges of the background with tape.
Step 4
A background made of a denser material can be glued to the inside of the aquarium using silicone sealant. Such a background will retain the richness of colors for a long time due to its inertness to water. Aquarium sealant is ideal for bonding to glass.