Determining the sex of a young hamster is not an easy task. But do not despair - there are still noticeable differences between them at any age. And unless you plan to become the owner of a hamster nursery, then as soon as possible it is worth settling boys and girls in different cages.

It is necessary
Glass bowl
Step 1
In order to determine the sex of the hamster, you need to examine its inner side. To do this, it is most convenient to put it in a glass inspection bowl.

Step 2
Look at the hamster's groin - males have testicles that will protrude forward in the tail area. The younger the hamster, the more difficult it will be to spot them.

Step 3
Examine the area around the anus. Both girls and boys have a hole above it, but in hamsters it is closer than in hamsters.

Step 4
Examine the tummy for noticeable nipples.

Step 5
Examine the abdominal area carefully again. In male hamsters, yellow-colored secretion glands can be easily found. In females, they are almost invisible.