Lovebirds are small parrots that quite often become pets of many modern families. Lovebirds are the most unpretentious representatives of the entire family of parrots, they are very beautiful and curious. Lovebirds are loyal and loyal birds. They choose a pair for themselves only once and for life. It is always pleasant to see how two lovebirds, huddled tightly to each other, gently coo and have mercy. It can be very difficult to distinguish between lovebirds, even by their own owners.

Step 1
The color of heterosexual lovebirds is exactly the same. But if you look closely at the birds, you will notice that the shape of the female's head is somewhat different from the shape of the male's. In females of these parrots, the head in profile seems more rounded, while in males it is more elongated, with a flat nape.
Step 2
To distinguish between lovebirds, you can gently feel the distance between their pelvic bones, from the abdomen. In the female, it is much wider than in the male. By the way, if the parrot is categorically against such a check: it breaks out of the hands and bites the owner, most likely it is a female.
Step 3
A lovebird female, already bearing offspring, sitting on a perch, puts her paws slightly wider than males and young females.
Step 4
There is an opinion that if you take a female lovebird by the legs and lower her head down, she will bend her legs and press herself against her hand. The male in the same situation will remain elongated.
Step 5
If you watch a pair of lovebirds for a long time, you will notice that the female parrot behaves a little more actively than the male. She is more talkative and aggressive.
Step 6
In addition, it is the female lovebird who arranges the nest.
Step 7
To distinguish lovebirds, especially young ones, usually requires a lot of experience, and sometimes a real genetic examination, because outwardly the parrots are almost the same.