Why Is The Mole Blind

Why Is The Mole Blind
Why Is The Mole Blind

There is a legend that God deprived the mole of sight, because he constantly rummaged in the ground and spoiled the trees in the Garden of Eden. God promised to restore sight to the mole when he dug as many holes as there are stars in the sky …

Why is the mole blind
Why is the mole blind

To understand what kind of animals they are, you can conduct a small experiment. Remove the mole from the mink and place it on the ground. You will see that he will immediately begin to move from side to side in search of loose soil in order to dig into it as soon as possible. The mole is able to burrow into the ground in about one minute. Because it is the underworld that is his favorite habitat.

why moles dig the ground
why moles dig the ground

Obviously, a mole that is constantly underground does not really need vision. He finds everything necessary for existence underground, including food. It feeds mainly on insects and worms. In search of food, he is constantly, because more than 12 hours, without food, he is not able to withstand. His whole body is just adapted to this lifestyle. Even the wool of these animals has a "black earth tint" and grows in a special way - straight, which is very convenient for moving underground in any direction.

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The mole still has eyes, though they are the size of a pinhead. They are tightly closed by the eyelids and fur, which protect the eyes from getting into them. The mole practically does not use sight, but, nevertheless, distinguishes between light and darkness. This ability often helps him in case of danger. If he notices a "gap", then he immediately tries to bury himself deeper, so as not to be on the surface in any case.

The mole spends winters in the upper layers of the soil, which does not freeze through to the end, and where you can always find some kind of food.

Moles cannot be called absolutely blind. They have very developed sense of touch and smell. We can say that wide spade-like paws, strong claws and a sharp scent are precisely the real sight of moles. It is this "vision" that helps him survive underground, in the complete absence of light. The eyes of some of these animals can be completely overgrown with thin transparent skin.
