Why Do Cats Have Wet Noses?

Why Do Cats Have Wet Noses?
Why Do Cats Have Wet Noses?

A cat's nose is a unique tool for exploring the surrounding space and everything that is there. The phlegm on the cat's nose is an important feature of this instrument.

Why do cats have wet noses?
Why do cats have wet noses?

Why does a cat need a wet nose?

A healthy feline has a moist and cool nose. This is due to the fact that on the nasal mirror (as the leathery tip of a cat's nose is called) there are many special glands that secrete mucus. This phlegm covers sensitive skin in a thin layer, leaving it moist.

The main constituent of phlegm on a cat's nose is water. When it naturally evaporates, the surface temperature decreases. As a result, the nasal mirror becomes cool.

A layer of phlegm on the surface of a cat's nose allows the animal to perceive and distinguish different odors from each other. The smallest molecules of a substance that carry information about the scent are deposited on sticky mucus and travel further along the nasal cavity to the olfactory receptors.

In addition to excellent odor capturing, the function of a cat's wet nose is to participate in the thermoregulation of the animal's body. Since cats do not have sweat glands, and their fur is rather thick, it is difficult for fluffy pets to get rid of excess heat.

And the body of the animal is warmed up both from the high air temperature and from active movements. A wet nose in such a difficult situation allows the cat to cool down faster. Nature has taken care of the health of cats with the help of phlegm on the nose.

Healthy wet cat nose

A healthy, active feline has a cold and moist nose. It happens that after a long sleep or a lively game, the cat's nose becomes dry and hot. There is nothing wrong with that, very soon the cat's organ of smell and touch will again be moistened and sputum will cool its surface.

If the cat's nose remains dry for several hours, a veterinarian should be consulted. If the cat's nose is very cold and pale, it means that the body temperature of the animal has dropped sharply, which indicates poisoning, hypothermia or shock. In this case, the pet also needs to be shown to the doctor.

The cat itself keeps its nose in working order. If the weather is hot and dry, the animal licks its nose. Often spider webs, debris and dust adhere to the wet surface of a cat's nose. Then the cat sneezes to clear the nasal passages, and it washes for a long time with its paw.

Examine your pet's nostrils from time to time. If you notice dry scabs, crusts, or flaking, visit your vet with your cat. Do not forget that the surface of the nose should be wet, but there should be no leakage from it. A cat's runny nose needs to be treated.
