Which Birds Are The Smartest

Which Birds Are The Smartest
Which Birds Are The Smartest

Disputes about the intelligence of birds arise quite often. Can some members of the bird family really be considered particularly intelligent creatures? Of course, if you learn more about them.

The crow is one of the smartest birds
The crow is one of the smartest birds

The crow is the bird with the brightest mental abilities

do crows have nests
do crows have nests

Scientists have long wondered which bird is one step higher than its counterparts. And now, after conducting a lot of experiments and research, they can confidently assert that crows take pride of place.

The level of intellectual development of a raven is equated to that of a five-year-old child.

Ravens are a serious competitor to mammals; they have gone not far from dolphins and monkeys. These birds show increased intelligence when it comes to foraging. Their cunning knows no boundaries, and their logic is worthy of respect.

Ravens overcome all sorts of obstacles in order to achieve the desired goal and invent their own methods of survival. They demonstrate the ability to distinguish dozens of objects, the shape of objects, contact with other animals and humans, are easy to train, adapt to the most difficult circumstances, and can even imitate sounds and voices.

It is common for crows to learn from the flock or from those representatives of the animal world that are nearby. People are increasingly adopting crows as pets. It's easy to find a common language with them, it has been proven that these birds eventually become attached to the owner, surprising with their talents.

The smartest birds tamed by man

keep a crow at home
keep a crow at home

Parrots are mentioned most often when it comes to the amazing abilities of birds. If this were contrary to the truth, then it is unlikely that people would choose these handsome men with gorgeous plumage for living together. Dozens of species of this bird race are inhabitants of exotic forests, they are uncomfortable far from their homeland. But there are also a lot of those who have adapted to live in captivity.

Macaws, in addition to intelligence, are distinguished by their size. So, the hyacinth macaw is the largest representative of the genus, reaching a length of 98 cm and a weight of 1.5 kg.

Large breeds - cockatoo, macaw, and gray - have indisputable intelligence. They can often be seen at circus shows, as well as at private breeders. You can teach the basics of training a parrot yourself. Flamboyant individuals themselves are not averse to practicing and showing off their achievements.

In addition to acrobatic tricks, parrots can count, assemble a children's pyramid, distinguish colors, melodies, words, execute commands, copy the speech of humans and animals, build a personal line of behavior and have their own opinion.

Long-term communication between a person and a parrot proves the bird's affection for the owner, the desire to imitate and please. Each pet has its own character, but with the right approach, it is quite possible to acquire a funny friend who will delight you with new discoveries every day.
