Many have seen this butterfly: a large and beautiful daytime insect is often found in the middle lane. The butterfly received the name "mourning" for the dark color of the wings, and in other languages it is called with similar words.

Step 1
The mourning butterfly has coffee, almost black wings, soft, velvety, unusually beautiful. Approaching the abdomen, the wings are overgrown with thin red hairs, similar to moss.

Step 2
The beauty of this butterfly is in contrast - the edges of the wings are trimmed with a yellow border, along the edge of which there are blue spots. The wings themselves are large, serrated, the wingspan is 55-75 mm. Interestingly, the shade of brown can be different for these butterflies, and it depends on the region of residence. From high or low temperatures, the intensity of the brown color changes, as well as the presence of blue spots. Mourning butterflies are ubiquitous; they live in temperate Asian latitudes, practically throughout Europe, in North America.

Step 3
The butterfly appears in Russia in the second half of July or at the beginning of August, flies around until October. As soon as the nights become cold, the butterfly goes to winter - it looks for crevices in the trees and stumps, where it hides during the cold weather. The dark color helps the mourning party to successfully disguise itself in the bark. In spring, this butterfly can also be found, but only at the very beginning of the warm season, after the mourning woman lays eggs, does it die.
Step 4
The mourning party belongs to the nymphalid family; all butterflies of this group are characterized by short front legs without claws. The mouth opening is transformed into a proboscis, which is rolled up until not in use. As soon as the butterfly is about to suck the nectar, it spreads its proboscis. Mourning parties feed on flower juice, juice from wounded trees, you can just lure a butterfly on sweet water poured into a small flat bowl.
Step 5
The organs of taste at the funeral service are located in a rather unusual place: the butterfly feels the taste of this or that product … with its legs. There are taste buds on the middle and hind legs, which is why the mourning party, before sitting down somewhere, touches the flower or liquid with its paws.
Step 6
The mourning butterfly is capable of migrating over long distances, as a rule, butterflies fly in autumn, looking for a place to hibernate. Caterpillars of this type of butterflies feed on leaves of willow, poplar, birch. Caterpillars have also been seen by many - they are black with red spots, the body is pubescent, with long "needles".