What Does A Blueberry Butterfly Look Like

What Does A Blueberry Butterfly Look Like
What Does A Blueberry Butterfly Look Like

Table of contents:


Golubians are a family of diurnal butterflies. There are about 6 thousand species. They are mostly distributed in tropical countries and only up to 500 species live in the temperate zone of the northern hemisphere.

What does a blueberry butterfly look like
What does a blueberry butterfly look like


Step 1

Blue-eyed butterflies, as a rule, are small in size (up to 5 cm), have a brown, blue or orange color, as well as a characteristic metallic sheen. Males are slightly brighter than females; along the bottom of the wings they have a small border, painted in gray, yellow or brown. A distinctive feature of this family of butterflies is the presence of yellowish specks, which can disappear over time.

Some species of blue-eyed butterflies have peculiar processes in the area of the hind wings - tails, for which they were called tails.

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breeding butterflies

Step 2

Butterflies of this species are common all over the world. Their habitual habitat is fields, meadows, forest edges. But, they are also found in personal plots, in city parks and squares, in gardens and vegetable gardens.

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How to breed butterflies

Step 3

The red-orange bluebirds are referred to as fiery chervonets. A bright blue color with an eye-like pattern on the underside of the wings is characteristic of bluebirds ikar, brown color is typical for oak marshmallows. Butterflies of the agriades glandon species have bluish-silvery wings, they live mainly in the tundra. The males of the eastern bluebill, the most common butterfly of the Baikal region, are owners of a bright appearance: violet-blue coloring of the wings with a wide dark edging, while females are colored more modestly - light brown wings with orange spots.

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How to find out the gender of a butterfly

Step 4

The royal tail is one of the largest representatives of the family of bluebirds - the wingspan of the male is about 6 cm. On the hind wings of these butterflies there are long spurs, at the base of which the females have bright red markings. The inner part of the wings is painted dark green with black stripes. This beautiful butterfly is found in Central and South America.

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how to feed butterflies

Step 5

The pygmy butterflies feed on a small proboscis. A favorite delicacy is the nectar of leguminous plants. Caterpillars of butterflies, in addition to leaves, can eat small insects: aphids, honeydew. Some of the butterflies in the family Lyceum are associated with ants. It's all about special glands that secrete a sweetish liquid, which is very to the taste of ants. In response, the butterflies feed on the larvae of these insects.

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Step 6

Blueberries begin to lay eggs in early summer. A week later, small larvae emerge from the larvae, which feed on plant leaves. Caterpillars are green, similar to woodlice, as their body structure is convex at the top and flat at the bottom, covered with small hairs. Caterpillars live mainly on legumes. But some species prefer trees: elm, bird cherry, blackthorn. When the caterpillar reaches three millimeters in size, it stops feeding and sheds. This period in caterpillars is particularly aggressive. They can even eat younger individuals. When the caterpillar reaches a size of ten millimeters, it attaches to the leaves with a thread and pupates. Within a week, the caterpillar transforms into a butterfly. Pupae have an unpleasant odor that repels various harmful insects. In this way, bluefly butterflies protect the plants.
