Sable is the most valuable fur animal in Russia. This species is included in the International Red Book, therefore, the capture of sable is currently strictly regulated, although, thanks to timely measures, the population of these animals is steadily increasing.

Step 1
Obtain a special permit-license for catching sable during the hunting season for fur-bearing animals - from October 15 to February 28. You can get this permission from your local hunting authority. Sign a contract for the supply of skins with procurement companies if you are going to be engaged in the constant capture of fur animals.

Step 2
Go hunting early in the morning, preferably after a snowfall, so that the sable tracks are clearly visible. Constantly monitor how the dog behaves (specially trained husky sable). After all, if a dog has found a fresh trail, then at any time it can start pursuing prey. Hiding from the husky, the sable usually tries to deceive it: it dodges, buries itself in the snow, but, in the end, it still climbs onto one of the trees, on which it tries to hide.

Step 3
Follow the dog. As soon as you see that the dog has stopped near one of the trees and diligently barks at the hidden animal, approach this place as carefully and inconspicuously as possible. If the dog has gone very far from you, chasing the animal, be guided by its tracks and bark loudly.

Step 4
In the event that it is difficult to see the sable in the dense crown, shoot from a small-bore rifle the place where the animal can presumably be. Keep your dog alert too. In the event that the sable jumps off the branches and tries to leave again, she will have to continue the chase.

Step 5
If the sable is hidden in the hollow of a tree, take a pole, wrap a rag on it, set it on fire, but so that it only smokes. Bring the pole as close to the hole as possible, but do not put it there, as fire and smoke can ruin the skin. Sable, irritated by the smell of smoke, will surely jump out of it, and you can continue the pursuit or, if you have time, shoot it.

Step 6
Surround the tree around the perimeter with a special netting to immediately catch the sable that jumped out of the hollow, in which cut a hole from below, plugging the entrance with a rag where the animal had previously disappeared.
Step 7
Catch a sable with a trap or trap. Take note of the places where sable is found or ask the experts about it. In one of these places, build a small log house with a piece of meat inside. In order for the sable to find the feeder faster, go around the surroundings, dragging the bait along the string, each time ending the route near the log cabin. Place traps on the paths around this place, mask them.
Step 8
Equip on these trails and self-traps - kulemki, the mechanism of which works on the principle of a mousetrap, killing on the spot the animal reaching for the bait. However, the skin will remain intact.