The appearance of a pet in the house is a great joy and responsibility for all family members. Each owner wants his animal to be healthy, many imagine in advance the ideal character of the pet. But this depends not only on upbringing, in addition to this, you need to carefully approach the choice of a four-legged friend.

Step 1
First, decide what you want from your future animal. Do you want your dog or cat to participate in exhibitions, do you plan to get offspring from her, do you need a guard dog and a cat that can exterminate the number of mice in your home, or do you just want a friend. You also need to understand whether you would like to take a pedigree animal or not.

Step 2
If you decide to have a puppy or a kitten, and it does not matter to you what breed it will be and whether it will bring a bunch of awards from the exhibition, look for volunteers in your city helping stray animals. Find information about them on the Internet. In addition, local newspapers love to write about their activities, and you can find contacts in similar articles. So check the local press periodically. The rescued animals are usually kept either in specially equipped nurseries, or, if there is no nursery in the city, on overexposure in the homes of the participants of the volunteer movement. Go to the website of the volunteer organization. It will contain pictures of rescued animals, and you can choose a pet.

Step 3
If you are planning to have an animal of a certain breed, but you are not going to participate in exhibitions with it, then you are on your way to the bird market or to the nearest newsstand. Free classifieds newspapers have a special section about selling kittens and puppies. Call the seller, specify the age, color, sex of the animal, its cost, then make an appointment. Of course, animals bought at the poultry market or through the newspaper can grow into a cat or dog with a beautiful exterior, but in this way it is best to make friends “for the sofa”.

Step 4
If you want a cat or dog with outstanding breed qualities, go to the nursery. Find contacts of breeders on the Internet - almost each of them has their own website. Just type in the name of the desired breed and the city in which you live in the search engine. The site will provide information about the animals kept in the nursery: photos, pedigree, awards earned. It will also contain information about the planned mating. Most often, the queue for puppies and kittens to famous breeders is lined up even before the babies are born. Therefore, contact the breeder and tell him about your desire to acquire a pet. Describe what you need an animal for - do you plan to participate in exhibitions, do you want to get puppies, what kind of character your future friend should have. A professional breeder will help you find a pet that suits your requirements.