The American hare is a close relative of the Eurasian hare. This genus inhabits the territory of Canada and the United States, it can be found almost everywhere: from Alaska to New Mexico.

Who is called the American hare

The American hare is the popular name for the American hare (lepus americanus), a mammal of the hare family that lives in North America. Outwardly, it resembles a Siberian hare, but is smaller. It is characteristic that females are usually larger than males. The length of the body is on average 30-50 cm, of which 7 cm falls on the tail. Powerful long hind legs are covered with thick fur. The hare has a gray or reddish-brown color in the summer and changes the skin to snow-white in the winter. Molting continues for 72 days.
The average life span of an American Hare is 7-9 years.
American hares are sedentary and prefer to settle in coniferous forests and low-bush plains. They are also found in marshy areas and along river banks. Their diet is modified depending on the living conditions and the time of year. In summer, they feed mainly on grass, clover, young shoots and inflorescences of plants. In winter, you have to be content with bark and needles, and sometimes eat your own excrement.

Lepus americanus are nocturnal, but in cloudy weather they can be stumbled upon in the daytime. They never dig holes and choose natural hiding places. During the day, they usually sleep or rest in beds or under dead wood.
Hare breeding takes place from March to September; a female can bring three to four litters per season. Cubs are born with hair and open eyes, they begin to eat grass from ten days of age, however, lactation in the female continues throughout the first month of her life.
Females call their rabbits when it is time to feed, and they respond to the call.
American white squirrels live alone, only occasionally settling in groups of up to 25 individuals in one area. During the mating season, males become aggressive as they fight over females. The population of these hares is unstable: in some years it may increase sharply, but then decline. A 10-12-year cycle is traced, during which the number of white hares reaches a peak, after which either mortality occurs, or the number of dangerous predators increases, and the population sharply decreases.
In some states - such as Virginia - the genus lepus americanus is endangered due to local trapper hunters as well as poachers.