Pallas' cat is a predatory mammal of the feline family. Therefore, outwardly, this animal is very similar to a domestic cat. But there are a number of characteristic differences between these species.

Step 1
Pallas' cat lives in the steppe, forest-steppe and mountain regions of Central and Central Asia with a sharply continental climate. Habitat conditions determine its appearance. The size of the body is from 52 to 65 cm in length, and the tail is from 23 to 31 cm. The weight of the steppe cat ranges from 2.5 to 4.5 kg. Unlike a domestic cat, the body of a pallas cat (this name was given to the manulu in honor of the scientist who discovered the species) is more dense and massive, on short thick legs. Therefore, by its nature, this wild cat is slow and clumsy. Since he is not adapted for fast running, in times of danger he prefers to hide and wait out.

Step 2
Pallas's head is small, wide, slightly flattened in the horizontal direction. A special difference between a wild cat is small, rounded wide-set ears, unlike the ears of our usual pets. The Latin name for the species is given precisely in honor of the shape of the auricles - Otocolobus manul, which is translated from Greek as "ugly ear". The eyes of these animals are yellow, the pupils remain round in bright light, and do not acquire a slit-like shape, as is the case in domestic cats. They have a well-developed nictitating membrane, which helps to keep the eyes from drying out.

Step 3
Another characteristic feature of the Pallas' cat is thick dense fur up to 7 cm long, covering the entire body of the animal. The coat has a light gray and pale ocher color, and the hairs have white tips. Below, the body is brown with a white bloom. There are dark transverse stripes on the body, legs and tail of the cat. The rounded tip of a long, thick black tail. Elongated tufts of light wool are noted on the cheeks of the manul, and dark stripes go from the corners of the eyes. The neck and chin are white. This camouflage color helps Pallas' cat in hunting for rodents, birds and insects, which he watches for at burrows and nests.

Step 4
The characteristic features of the appearance of the Pallas' cat give reason to scientists to assume that the Persian cat breed has a direct connection with the steppe cat. The relationship can be traced in the shape of the head and fluffy coat.

Step 5
Today the Pallas' cat is a rare species, and its number continues to decline. This is largely due to human influence (poaching for animal fur, setting traps for catching steppe animals, loose keeping dogs). The exact number of individuals is unknown, since the animal leads a secretive lifestyle.