What Does A British Cat Look Like?

What Does A British Cat Look Like?
What Does A British Cat Look Like?

Among the cat breeds, the British occupies a special place. These animals have a calm character and innate goodwill, and they are also very beautiful. The impressive size and dense plush coat give the animals a special charm.

What does a British cat look like?
What does a British cat look like?

Physique features

"British" are large in size, while males are much larger than females. Experts in the breed believe that animals reach their ideal condition by the age of five. At this time, an adult cat can reach a weight of 5-8 kg. Both cats and cats look very balanced. They have a dense build and strong bones. Elongated legs, a too short torso, or an elongated tail is considered a defect. The animal should have a compact, not stretched body, a massive head on a strong neck, not too long strong legs. The tail of the "Briton" is flexible, short, thick at the base. It has a cone shape with a rounded tip.

British cats have a very recognizable and expressive muzzle. It should be round, wide enough, with well-developed cheeks. The nose is moderately long, the profile is pronounced, but without a stop, typical, for example, of a Persian cat. The ears of cats of the British breed are small, set wide apart, without tassels, the tips are rounded.

The eyes of the British cat deserve special attention. They are round, moderately large, very expressive. The color of the iris is also important - it should be clean, bright. Inexpressive yellowish or greenish eyes are discouraged. The darker outline of the iris is also considered a defect. The color depends on the color. Dark chocolate, black, blue cats have bright copper or honey eyes, in color points they should be transparent blue, and in golden, silver and tabby cats - deep green.

The main thing is wool

The main advantage of British cats is their amazing hair. It is dense, with a very dense and long undercoat. The adherent coat is considered a serious blemish. Thoroughbred Britons have a short velvet-plush cover that drowns their hands. The coat should be soft but firm, very shiny, without bald spots. A ragged and dull coat indicates a malformation or illness of the animal.

The color of the cat can be any. White spots are discouraged with a solid coat. But smokiness, shading, implicit color transitions are often found. Experts identify dozens of different shades, each of which has its own name. The most common are blue cats, but recently two-tone colors have become very popular: tabby, chinchillas and color-points.
