How To Save Yourself From Bees

How To Save Yourself From Bees
How To Save Yourself From Bees

Having got out into nature, you should not forget about small insects - bees for rest. Usually these hard workers do not care about people, but in some cases, a bee is able to bite a person. This is at least very unpleasant, and in people prone to allergic reactions, it can cause painful swelling and even anaphylactic shock. Try to keep yourself safe from bees.

How to save yourself from bees
How to save yourself from bees

Security measures

The bee is not too interested in attacking people, so try not to inadvertently provoke the insect to aggression. Avoid overly bright clothing. For a trip to nature, it is better to choose neutral colors: gray, brown, dark green. Despite the heat, it is better to replace the T-shirt and shorts with things that cover as much of the body as possible: a long-sleeved shirt, a long skirt or light trousers. Instead of sandals and sandals, you should wear sneakers or sneakers. Owners of long hair should collect curls in their hair or hide them under a headdress. If a bee gets tangled in the hair, it will bite for sure.

When going outside for a snack, do not leave treats or foods exposed. This is especially true for juices and sweets. Garbage should be put in plastic bags, it is advisable to close the trash can with a lid.

Vibrations or strong odors can infuriate the bees. You should not bring powerful sound equipment with you to listen to music in nature, to use cologne or perfume before the trip.

How to behave when a bee approaches

If the bee is still headed in your direction, do not panic. Do not wave your hands, do not run and do not try to kill the insect - it may well have time to emit pheromones, which will give a signal to the rest of the hive to urgently rush into the attack. Better to bravely wait until the bee examines you and goes on about its business. As a last resort, you can try to slowly move away. If a striped insect lands on your clothes, gently shake it off.

Where to look for salvation

The swarm of bees flies at great speed. If you are unlucky - you have disturbed the bees, and they intend to take revenge on you, do not try to outrun the angry insects. Better think about where you can hide. Get away into a room with closed windows and no cracks: into a house, a shed. If there are no residential buildings nearby, try to hide in a car or dive into the water and wait there until the bees calm down.

Save yourself with a first aid kit

Deaths from bee stings are rare, but they do happen nonetheless. The risk group includes allergy sufferers, children, as well as people who have undergone not a single bite, but a massive attack. When going outdoors, take antihistamines with you. They must be given to the victim if the swelling increases intensively in size. If the victim's condition raises concerns, it should be taken to the hospital as soon as possible.
