Popular Aquarium Fish Of The Cichlid Family

Popular Aquarium Fish Of The Cichlid Family
Popular Aquarium Fish Of The Cichlid Family

In nature, cichlids are widespread; they are found in the water bodies of Central Africa, South America, Southeast Asia. This species is used for commercial purposes. But they are also popular and loved by aquarists. After all, cichlids have a bright color and can become a real decoration of a small water kingdom.

Popular aquarium fish of the cichlid family
Popular aquarium fish of the cichlid family

In caring for cichlids, you can face a number of problems, so it is better for an experienced connoisseur of fish to settle cichlids. An experienced aquarist, by properly rearing fry, will be able to tame the tough temper of cichlids. After all, it is important to be able to handle these predators, which are aggressive towards representatives of their own species and neighbors in the aquarium. During the breeding season, fish become even more restless. However, there are several peaceful species.

Cichlids are divided into two groups: large and small species. The latter are finicky in leaving and their breeding can confuse even a novice "aquarium" business. Mostly they stop at scalars, cichlazomas, akars. Small apistograms, pelmatochromis and nannakar are better for those who have some experience in keeping simple species.

Cichlids are dignified and slow. They amaze with the bright colors of their scales. Chromis handsome, chromis butterfly, discus, astronotus are especially beautiful.

Some cichlid species prefer warm water up to 30 degrees. For example, discus. The latter may also prefer live food, which can be specially prepared by an experienced aquarist from worms or squid.

Astronotus are not picky about the water temperature, however, with these fish, you cannot start live plants in the aquarium, because this type of cichlid will eat them.

Live plants get along quite well with petrotiapia. These fish have more than five colors, are quite peaceful and not picky about water, unlike discus. These fish prefer plant food.

Aulonocars are very beautiful fish. These fish are very peaceful, which is why they cannot be kept with more aggressive cichlid species.

There are other beautiful fish of the cichlid family. For example, tilapia (different types), harbor cichlid, kaliuris, Queen Nyasa and others.
