The Most Famous Representatives Of The Canine Family

The Most Famous Representatives Of The Canine Family
The Most Famous Representatives Of The Canine Family

The fauna of the planet Earth is unique and diverse. Among all the many species, scientists distinguish separate groups called families. The canine family is one such group.

The most famous representatives of the canine family
The most famous representatives of the canine family

The most famous of the canine family are the wolf (common wolf or gray wolf), coyote, arctic fox (polar fox), common fox (red fox), fennec fox, wild dog Dingo. All of them are similar in their fearlessness, cunning, speed and intelligence. Despite the name "wild" they are not afraid of people and are easily tamed.

The dingo is the only placental predator in Australia before the arrival of Europeans. According to archaeologists, they are not immigrants and appeared 50,000 years ago. Dingo's peculiarity is their "silence", ie. they don't bark. However, like most canids, they are able to growl and are nocturnal.

The common fox is the largest species of the fox genus and the most widespread. North Africa, most of Asia, North America and the entire territory of Europe - such areas can be called the habitat of this animal. Also, this fox was acclimatized in Australia. Despite some usefulness, in particular, the extermination of rodents and insects, red foxes are the main carrier of rabies. There are many fairy tales about their mind among the people. Foxes do not shun theft and begging where hunting for them is prohibited (near sanatoriums, boarding houses).

The habitat of wolves has greatly decreased due to human activities. In total, 32 subspecies of canines are subdivided. All wolves have an elongated muzzle with large fangs. The main food is medium and large mammals. However, when food is scarce, they do not hesitate to eat frogs and small rodents. They can also attack livestock.