The slogan "A dog is a friend of man" is considered to be something unshakable, like the Ural Mountains. However, more and more stray dogs appear on the streets, which regularly attack people. The fashion for fighting dogs has led to the fact that dogs requiring professional maintenance are bought by people who have no idea how to raise such a dog. And the beast, which in its destructive power is equated to a firearm, becomes practically uncontrollable. What if you are attacked by a dog?

It is necessary
- - plastic bottle;
- - a bag;
- - cellular telephone;
- - a rock;
- - keys;
- - a handful of sand.
Step 1
If the dog only threatens, but does not attack, the chances are high that you have become the victim of an untrained mongrel. Most likely, the animal is simply defending its territory. Never try to flee or scare the dog with a cry. This can push her to attack. While the dog growls and bares its teeth, slowly sit down and pick up something suitable from the ground: a plastic bottle, a rock, a tin can, a handful of sand. If there is nothing similar nearby, take off your boot.

Step 2
Rise, swing. The dog will stop to assess the threat posed by you. Slowly, without turning your back to the animal, try to get around "its territory". Most often this is a site near garages, a store or a metro stop.

Step 3
If the dog does attack, throw what you have in your hands. Mobile phone, umbrella, bag, whatever you managed to pick up from the ground. There is a chance that by focusing on a near target, the dog will lag behind.

Step 4
However, if, after grabbing the handout, the dog has not calmed down and continues to attack, try to quickly grab another object. This time, do not throw it, but lift it up. The animal will react to the new target without fail and jump up to reach it. At this point, kick in the lower abdomen - this is the most sensitive place. After that, the attack will stop.

Step 5
If in your presence the dog attacked someone else, grab it by the hind legs and lift it up. In this position, the animal immediately opens its mouth. The physiology of a dog is such that it will not be able to reach you if you firmly hold its paws. If the dog is large, call someone for help, pass one paw and throw the dog into the water, over the fence, under the standing car. If there is nothing similar around, hit the tree or wall with your dog. Remember - pity in this case is unacceptable. The tense dog remains deadly. Beat the dog until it looks like a rag.

Step 6
Fighting dogs are trained not to release their prey, no matter what. All you have to do is, holding one hind paw, unscrew the eggs with your free hand. If the attacking dog is a female, insert something sharp into her anus, such as a key. All this sounds terrible, but at the moment of an angry animal attacking, for example, a child, you will not think about it.
Step 7
The most dangerous case is if a dog is purposefully set on you. At the same time, you do not have the opportunity to grab something, and this is unlikely to help. In this case, try to minimize possible injury. Move your legs, covering your groin, press your hands to the body. If possible, lean against a wall or tree to avoid falling. Service dogs will release you after the first bite. If the dog does not back down and continues to tear you with its teeth, grab its head and squeeze out the animal's eyes with your thumbs.