Stray dogs are a real problem in big cities. Gathering in flocks, they often attack cats, children, and sometimes just passers-by. Shooting and generously scattering poisons is a cruel temporary measure that does not improve the situation

Step 1
To contain the number of stray animals is a task of national importance, but modern domestic methods do not meet the requirements of efficiency and humanity. What to do? First, think about who the dogs can interfere with on the territory of your yard (garage cooperative, enterprise). Take a closer look at the grandmothers from the next doorway. Ask if there were any cases of attacks of these dogs on people. And if there were, then when, in what circumstances.

Step 2
If it is reliably established that the attacks were victims of the road to DEZ (Directorate of a single customer), this service deals with housing and communal services and animals on its territory. They have contracts with private businesses involved in killing dogs. The state allocates money for this, you only need a written statement.
Step 3
If there are not many dogs and they do not bother anyone, then you need to make sure that there are not too many of them. Spaying a dog is not the cheapest pleasure, but this method has been proven to be effective. Territorial animals protect their site, not letting in other people's flocks, and do not bring offspring. A stable courtyard group remains for several years to the delight of children and compassionate old women.
Step 4
Not all cities have foundations that deal with homeless animals for private donations, or government shelters. If you have not found one in your city, try contacting animal rights activists - they will willingly support you and help you raise funds.