The aquarium pleases the hearts of many people, regardless of their age and profession. Decorating your house, apartment, public places is not worth a lot of work, but it requires constant monitoring of the cleanliness of the aquarium, compliance with temperature standards, etc.

Step 1
When buying goldfish, you should create favorable conditions in the aquarium in advance. Goldfish need a large swimming area, as well as good aeration and water filtration.
Step 2
This fish actively eats and defecates a lot, the water needs to be changed weekly (1/3 of the total water volume).
You need to buy a large aquarium for such fish, based on 8-10 adults with a capacity of at least 120 * 60 * 40 cm. Water hardness should be at least 8 degrees.
Step 3
The bottom soil is coarse sand or small pebbles, this is suitable for fish and plants. For goldfish, the ratio of bottom area to height is important, since there should be enough space for swimming. Also, do not put fish in round aquariums, they lose their orientation in space, and, as a rule, there is not enough space in them.
Step 4
Goldfish need to be kept separate even from peaceful fish species.
When purchasing goldfish, you should pay attention to their appearance and behavior. The fins should be raised (dorsal fin). Fish should not be slow and refuse food, but they should not rush greedily for food either.
Step 5
You need to transport fish in a well-closed plastic bag. It should be half full of water. It is necessary to catch fish from the aquarium with a small net made of soft cloth so as not to injure the fish.