Features Of Limousine Cows

Features Of Limousine Cows
Features Of Limousine Cows

Cows are not only sources of milk. This type of cattle is also used for meat production. There is a separate type of cow that is different in size from the rest. Limousine cows are one of the largest among the rest of the species.

Features of limousine cows
Features of limousine cows

Limousine cows look very different from other breeds. The main visual difference between limousine cows is the elongation of the body and relatively short legs. Hence such an amazing name for this type of animal.

If we consider this breed as one of the most fertile, it is worth noting that the percentage of meat gain in such cows is much higher than average. It is also worth considering the unpretentiousness of this type of cattle to external conditions. Cows limousine provide more end products.

The main reason for choosing such a breed can be called stress resistance to unstable conditions, because, as already known, many animals, like humans, are prone to experiences. In this case, regardless of various factors, the farmer will be provided with dairy products of the highest standard.

A distinctive feature of the limousine cows is the significantly higher weight of the individual. This species is more meat than dairy. The average weight of a cow can be 650 kg, and a bull from 800 kg. There are limousine bulls that can weigh up to 1000 kg.
