How To Lose Weight For A Cat

How To Lose Weight For A Cat
How To Lose Weight For A Cat

A fat cat often arouses affection among the owners and their guests - it is pleasant to stroke it, put it on your lap and sleep with it in an embrace. However, being overweight in animals, like in humans, can lead to various diseases. If you are concerned about your pet's health, help him get rid of obesity.

How to lose weight for a cat
How to lose weight for a cat

Cat's lifespan is already short, and extra pounds can reduce the years that you can spend with your pet. Being overweight leads to heart problems, cancer, type 2 diabetes. If you do not want to lose your pet ahead of time, take up his diet.

Going to the vet

Obesity can be the result of certain medical conditions. Before you put your cat on a diet, see your veterinarian so that he can assess the condition of the animal. The specialist can also help you design the optimal weight loss program for your pet so that the diet is beneficial, not harmful to his health.

Household support

When you decide to put your cat on a diet, enlist the support of all household members. There will be no sense if you limit the diet of the animal, and compassionate relatives will try to stick an extra piece to the "starving" one. Explain how excess weight is harmful to a cat, and what problems it can lead to, tell what and in what quantities you are going to feed a fluffy pet, so that everyone understands that you do not intend to starve him to death. You will achieve your goal only if all family members act together.

Revision of the cat's diet

The weight of a dog depends on both the diet and the amount of exercise that it receives. As for cats, their excess body fat is 90% the result of inappropriate feeding. You have two options: reduce the amount of food you feed to the animal by 10-20%, or switch to a special diet. Feed the animal two to three times a day. The cat does not need food to be constantly in his bowl, you just need to make sure that your pet has unlimited access to water.

If you do not want to cut the portion, which is very painful for many animals, try switching to dry diet food. It contains more fiber and less fat than standard foods, which makes the animal feel fuller longer. Those who feed their pets "natural" should simply reduce the amount of fat in the cat's diet and increase its protein content.

Physical exercise

Getting your cat to exercise regularly is difficult, but your pet needs to move. If you have a desire, try to accustom the animal to a harness and take it outside. For some cats, such walks become a real adventure; they enjoy exploring the surroundings and climbing trees.

For owners, whose pet is afraid to leave the apartment, it is better not to force the animal, but to try to play more with it at home. Give your cat at least five minutes three times a day, forcing him to run after the red dot of the laser or catch the bow on the string. This will bring tangible benefits.
