If you suddenly decided to send your pet to such a serious operation as castration, then you should be immediately ready for various kinds of problems and difficult care for him in the postoperative period, when he will come to his senses and recover.

So, the operation was over, the cat returned from the country of Morpheus and completely recovered from anesthesia. At this time, he is still very weak, so you need to keep an eye on him. In such a situation, the main thing is for the owner himself to remain calm and show sympathy for the animal, because he urgently needs it now, and one cat will not cope.
For a cat, this is naturally a huge stress. While he is recovering from anesthesia, his muscles are weakened, he can hardly move or can hardly do it. He is also very thirsty, so it is worth getting him drunk. Dizziness resulting from "withdrawal" can provoke nausea - this is normal and there is no need to worry, because this is how his own body is cleansed after invading it.
In humans, during the operation, under the influence of anesthesia, the eyes close by themselves, so they have no difficulty with this, but in animals (cats and dogs in particular) they are open, and their surface dries up. While the cat is under the influence of the drug, veterinarians periodically moisten his eyes, but when the "patient" arrives home, the owner will need to do this with the help of special eye drops for animals.
It can also be noted that during the operation, the animal's overall body temperature drops by about 1.5-2 degrees. He may shake shallowly. In order for him to be comfortable, you should cover him with a warm towel or heating pad.
Another aspect is the gait after surgery. Due to anesthesia, the muscles temporarily lose their elasticity, become weak, so the cat can walk, staggering, but this will not last longer than two to three hours. While he is in this state, you need to look out so that he does not try to jump on high-standing things, otherwise he may fall and be damaged.
It is important to clarify that animals require special nutrition during the postoperative period. After so much stress, the cat may eat poorly or not eat at all, because his appetite decreases. But when he finally wants to eat, you need to pour him only half of his usual portion, because he shouldn't overeat now. It is better to give your pet water again.