Human four-legged friends are often susceptible to parasitic diseases. And this applies not only to animals with access to the street, but also absolutely domestic cats. Infection with worms can occur when eating raw meat, fish, when catching flies, transmitted from mother to kittens, through shoes. For this reason, it is recommended to periodically kill animals, especially if they first enter the house.

Step 1
In veterinary pharmacology, there is a large selection of anthelmintic drugs in various forms - tablets, suspensions, drops. However, you should carefully consider their choice, having studied the instructions and reviews for the drugs. Quite often there are fakes of common drugs that can cause significant harm to the health of an animal. It is advisable to choose medicines that have positively proven themselves among pet owners. The list of such drugs is extensive, and there will be no difficulties in purchasing them.
Step 2
The ways of taking anthelmintic drugs are different. How to worm a cat is chosen by its owner, based on the nature of the pet. It is possible to use drops that are applied to the withers of the animal. It is convenient to give the preparation in the form of a suspension. The tablets are presented with a meaty smell, which makes them attractive to cats.
Step 3
Before use, you should carefully read the instructions. The drugs are allowed to be taken from a certain age, the dosage can be calculated by the weight of the animal. The procedure is always carried out for a healthy pet.
Step 4
Before taking an anthelmintic, veterinarians recommend making a general strengthening injection of Gamavit. After 2 hours after taking the medicine, it is necessary to give the animal an enterosorbent (Smecta, Polysorb, activated carbon, etc.). This will reduce the manifestations of intoxication, the dose is set as for infants.
Step 5
Within 24 hours after the procedure, the cat must go to the toilet. If there is no bowel movement, a laxative should be used. For example, Duphalac (6-8 ml for an adult cat, 1-3 ml for a kitten) or the same volume of vaseline oil. Using other oils is dangerous for the animal!
Step 6
When using some drugs, a second procedure is performed after 10-14 days. The use of other drugs does not require repeated administration. Preventively, it is necessary to worm cats once every three months and before vaccination (5 - 10 days).