The husky breed appeared in the USA, its representatives are actively used as sled dogs. This is a very light and fast animal with a reliable coat, which makes it an unpretentious human helper.

Step 1
The Husky is a medium-sized, well-built dog, fast and easy to move. The skull is medium in size, slightly rounded. The transition from the forehead to the muzzle is distinct.
Step 2
The color of the nose depends on the coat color. If the color is gray, red or black, the nose will be black. If the color is copper, the nose will have a chestnut color.
Step 3
If the color is white, the nose will be flesh-colored. There is also a light nose with pink veins, called snow.
Step 4
The husky's muzzle gradually tapers towards the nose, it is not pointed at the end. The bridge of the nose is straight.
Step 5
The lip tissue contains a sufficient amount of pigment, the bite is usually scissor bite.
Step 6
The eyes are almond-shaped, they are located somewhat obliquely and not very far from each other. Eye color can be brown or blue. The look is attentive and friendly, sometimes mischievous.
Step 7
The auricles are medium in size, triangular in shape. Are located in a vertical plane, placed close. There is a slight bulge on the outside and the tips are rounded.
Step 8
The neck is of medium length, curved. The back is straight, not very stocky. The loin is narrower than the ribcage.
Step 9
Dogs of this breed have a sloping croup, a deep and strong chest. The tail is of a fox type, with abundant trim. The forelegs are parallel and straight.
Step 10
The shoulder blade is tilted back, the shoulder also tilts back and is never perpendicular to the ground. Very powerful muscles of the shoulder girdle.
Step 11
Husky dogs have very strong but flexible joints. The hind legs are also straight, moderately spaced. Characterized by well-developed muscles of the thigh, well-defined knee and hock joints.
Step 12
The foot is oval, but not elongated. There is a dense edge between the toes, the pads are thick and resilient.
Step 13
The coat all over the body is dense, of medium length. The undercoat is soft and abundant, the guard hair is straight and also loose. During the moulting period, the husky may have no undercoat.
Step 14
The Husky can range in color from black to white and allow for a variety of patterns. These patterns are unique, they are not found in representatives of other breeds.
Step 15
Adult males reach a height of 60 cm, adult females - 56 cm. The weight of a dog can range from 20 to 28 kg, bitches - from 15 to 23 kg. The weight of the husky is always proportional to the height, it is not normal for dogs of this breed to be overweight or have excessive boneiness.