Turtles are special creatures of the order of reptiles that have always attracted the attention of scientists around the world. Back in 1835, Charles Darwin discovered on a big voyage in the Galapagos Islands a population of giant turtles, which numbered up to 250 thousand. It is not for nothing that the islands are also called Turtle, because in those distant times more than 14 species could be found. Today the population of "islanders" numbers about 150 thousand, three species of animals have become extinct.

Step 1
Despite the sad facts, the world of modern turtles is huge and shrouded in many mysteries, which scientists-luminaries of biological sciences are trying to solve. There are approximately 250 species of reptiles that inhabit the most remote corners of the planet, both land and water. Inhabitants of the land are more calm and sedentary, while the aquatic ones are distinguished by their temper and agility.

Step 2
Scientists are amazed at the lifespan of a special type of reptile: in natural living conditions, giant turtles can exist for up to 200 years. The modern representative of the species, whose nickname is Jonathan, celebrates her 180th anniversary this year. And this is contrary to popular belief that the average age of giant turtles is 120-150 years.

Step 3
In addition to the giant, there are many other species, the age of which is much shorter. Seychelles turtles can live up to 100-200 years, Balkan turtles up to 90 years old, red-eared and Mediterranean turtles up to 30-35 years on average.

Step 4
Small domestic turtles do not differ in a special century duration - 10-12 years with good care.

Step 5
Reptiles attract everyone's attention with their original appearance: a larger, painted carapace, peculiar, thick skin and pillar-like legs surprise many animal lovers. It is known that ancient turtles of the Mesozoic era had such an appearance - more than 200 million years ago. Turtles are the few species of representatives of the animal world that have practically not undergone temporary changes. Their ancestors had almost the same appearance with modern representatives of our century.

Step 6
What is the secret of turtles' longevity? Interestingly, reptiles rarely die a natural death, more often - through human fault. Often, for meat and eggs, turtles are massively caught, destroying rare species.
Step 7
Despite the wrinkled skin, the body of the turtle is distinguished by eternal youth. This is really a fact, since all metabolic processes are slowed down. Terrestrial reptiles are able to starve for a year or longer and at the same time do not feel hunger and discomfort in the work of internal organs and systems.
Step 8
The following phenomenon is interesting: the heart of reptiles can stop and the work of this "motor" of life can be resumed just as easily. In addition, the body temperature of turtles changes depending on the temperature conditions of the environment. In their familiar natural environment, these reptiles live long and reproduce.