Spaniels require careful grooming. And not only show dogs. Long hair and drooping ears often get dirty during walks and need to be carefully and regularly cleaned by the owner.

It is necessary
- - special shampoo for dogs
- - conditioner for long-haired breeds
- - terry towel
- - hairdryer
Step 1
Prepare all the necessary items in the bathroom in advance so as not to be distracted from your pet while washing. Wear clothes that you don't mind getting dirty and soaked, a large oilcloth apron is even better. Dogs love to shake off the water, and you are in danger of "bathing" too.
Step 2
Put the dog in a dry bath, sniff everything and turn on the water. The water should be comfortably warm. Please note that dogs are more sensitive to water temperature. In order not to scare the dog, let the water out of the shower, place the hose on the bottom of the tub, not with a salt stream. Be sure to cover your spaniel's ears with cotton swabs while the water is pouring.
Step 3
Take a special shampoo for washing dogs. Usually these shampoos are highly concentrated, so dilute it in warm water until it lathers. Moisten your dog's coat liberally with water to get it wet all the way down to the skin. Apply shampoo and gently massage all over the body.
Step 4
Rinse off the lather with warm water from a ladle or shower. If your spaniel is worried, compliment him and feed him a treat. Repeat shampooing and rinse again with clean water.
Step 5
Now take your conditioner. Nowadays, there are many for dogs. Try to choose the one that works best for your spaniels - the conditioner should say that it is for long-haired dogs. It will be even better if this product is hypoallergenic so as not to irritate the skin. As a rule, the conditioner also needs to be diluted with water - read the instructions on the bottle. Apply the conditioner gently to the dog's coat and leave it on for a few minutes. During this time, praise, pet and feed your dog. Rinse off with warm water. Be careful - even a small amount of conditioner left on the coat can subsequently irritate the skin and lead to allergies.
Step 6
Let the dog dust off, then cover it with a terrycloth towel. Don't rub the wool, just blot it thoroughly. Some dogs, after bathing, lie rather placidly, wrapped in a dry towel. If your spaniel is able to lie down for an hour, take a new towel and place your pet in it to absorb all the moisture from the wet coat. If the dog is mobile and ready to play and run immediately after washing, you will have to dry it with a hairdryer. Show the hairdryer to the dog, let it sniff, treat the pet with a treat. Dry your spaniel by combing gently.
Step 7
After bathing, the dog should not be taken out for a walk for about 6-8 hours. Otherwise, walking with wet fur can lead to severe colds.