How To Raise Turkey Poults

How To Raise Turkey Poults
How To Raise Turkey Poults

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Few farmers are ready to breed turkey poults, explaining that the bird does not survive well, is very weak. Of all types of poultry, turkeys are considered the most demanding for their cultivation, as they require more attention and proper care.

How to raise turkey poults
How to raise turkey poults


Step 1

It is best to grow young growth under a brood hen. Turkeys are very caring mothers; unlike ducks and chickens, they do not abandon their children. Choose a large bird as a brood hen, it will be able to heat a large number of eggs. The nest should be in a secluded area (shaded and warm) so that other turkeys do not disturb the brood hen. If the turkey won't stand up, pick it up every two days, give it time to walk, eat, and empty its bowels. Inspect the nest, if the litter is wet, replace with dry straw.

Step 2

Turkey poults hatch on day 28, the hen senses this and stops getting up from the nest. Chicks are well protected by turkey feathers from the external environment, they receive the necessary warmth. After a couple of days, the turkeys come out from under the hen. Check all the eggs under it, remove the bad ones, leave the rest so that the remaining chicks hatch. The first five days, the temperature for growing turkey poults should be 33-35 degrees, the next five days - 30-32 degrees, the third five days - 28-29 degrees, then 26-27 degrees and 24-25. In the future, maintain the temperature at 18-20 degrees. Change the litter as often as possible.

Step 3

During the first days, chicks have difficulty finding water and food, so place feeders and drinkers in well-lit areas. If the brood is in the house, then the first days of lighting should be around the clock. Subsequently, the duration of daylight hours is reduced to seventeen hours. For the prevention of diseases, add a weak solution of potassium permanganate to the water.

Step 4

Turkey poults need more vitamin and protein foods. Therefore, add cottage cheese, meat waste, peas, reverse, carrots and herbs to wet mash. Give the chicks boiled and crushed potatoes. Feed the poults 10-12 times a day for the first two weeks, then cut back to 6 times. Use fresh yogurt, cottage cheese, eggs as the first feed. Add corn or barley flour. If chicks avoid eating, force feed. It is recommended to introduce each new type of food gradually, as turkey poults are sensitive to changing feeds.
