Is It Worth Spending Money On Cat Shampoo Or Can You Wash Your

Is It Worth Spending Money On Cat Shampoo Or Can You Wash Your
Is It Worth Spending Money On Cat Shampoo Or Can You Wash Your

Nature has endowed cats with a beautiful rough tongue that is able to clean out the dirt on the fur. But from time to time, in order to prevent, the owners should bathe their furry pets.

For prevention purposes, owners should bathe their furry pets
For prevention purposes, owners should bathe their furry pets

How often can you bathe your cat?

Frequent bathing should not be abused, as a natural protective film produced by the sebaceous glands forms on the coat. The cat is very clean. She is able to wash herself so thoroughly that there will not even be a dry place. Long-haired pets need to be washed more often.

Indications for bathing are: the presence of parasites, the presence of strong pollution with natural and synthetic substances. Of course, this procedure cannot be avoided before the show, because the cat must look perfect.

Before you bathe your cat, you will have to spend money on special detergents. Regular human shampoo or shower gel will not work. The thing is that humans and cats have a different acid-base balance of the skin. In animals, it is 6, and in humans, 3, 5. Therefore, ordinary shampoo can harm the skin of animals, because of this, wool will grow poorly, and a rash may appear.

Varieties of cat shampoos

There are many types of cat shampoos: liquid, dry, spray shampoos. Not all cats love water treatments. For such panties, just a dry shampoo powder is suitable. They need to sprinkle the fur, and after a while comb out the pet. It also makes combing easier and removes dirt well. You should not force the cat into the bath, because it can experience severe stress, which can be detrimental to health. Dry shampoo is good for frequent use. It does not harm the skin and does not wash off the protective layer on the coat.

Spray shampoo is also suitable for those who don't like splashing around in water. It does not require rinsing. Such products have a more pronounced aroma and will help you easily comb your furry pet. The spray is also used as an antistatic agent.

Liquid shampoos are the most common. They are specialized: against ticks, against fleas, against mats. After washing with such products, the coat becomes smooth and silky. They perfectly remove even the toughest dirt. Instead of expensive imported funds, you can buy domestic goods. In terms of quality, they are no worse. It is recommended to use liquid shampoo no more than twice a year. Otherwise, the animal may experience a malfunction in the sebaceous glands. It is best to use dry shampoos before exhibitions and important events.

Washing the kosha is a whole event. You need to be extremely careful so that water does not get into your ears. Otherwise, it may cause hearing loss. Avoid getting shampoo in your eyes. If not necessary, it is better not to wash your hair at all.
